Sunday, February 14, 2010

From Jamestown To Jubilee: A Faith and Freedom Tour

From Jamestown To Jubilee (a 9-CD set) takes you on a wonderful "tour" through Jamestown Virginia with Vision Forum's President, Doug Philips and Historian William (Bill) Potter. You are transported from Jamestown Island, to Williamsburg, to Monticello and beyond. Learn about Captain John Smith, Pocahontas, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Stonewall Jackson, and many more great men. Visit famous gravesites, churches, and battlefields. Take your mind back to the time of the Great Awakening and learn about our godly ancestors and the legacy of faith, courage, and perseverance they left behind for the generations to come. Live what they lived, learn what they learned, and most of all, be inspired and encouraged and know that this country was founded on Biblical principles and we still have a Christian heritage, no matter how hard some try to deny it!
9-CD set, $45.00

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